Welcome to
Beth Yeshua
Beth Yeshua Twin Ports extends to you a warm and friendly Shalom Greeting! It is truly a blessing from God when someone new comes into our space in person or through connecting virtually. Thanks for visiting.
As a faith community, Beth Yeshua Twin Ports is unique because we are the only Messianic congregation in the Northland. Yet, worldwide we share a member alliance with over 150 other congregations and synagogues.
There are certainly many beliefs and places of worship to choose between, but if you are looking to return to First Century faith practice, you have found it – Messianic Judaism.
Please accept our free gift to you. We think you will like it. Mazel Tov!
Messianic Discipleship
Live Streams
Can’t attend services in person? Join us for a live stream of our weekly Shabbat Service, Saturdays – now at 10:25 am. Video will be streamed live on the site and also on our Facebook page. Hope you can join us!
Join Us.

Who We Are
Our congregation is made up of average folks who have come together under the banner of the God of Israel and Messiah Yeshua.

Where We Meet
Our congregation is based in Superior, WI with our home located in the Mariner Business Center.
Click to get directions

Times of Services
Saturday Sabbath Service
Liturgy & Worship: 10:30 am
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Keep up on the latest from the Beth Yeshua Twin Ports congregation. Stay tuned for announcements, event updates and interesting media on topics of faith. Click the photo to see an archive of all articles.