Every person of faith looking to meet with other likeminded people is interested to know the many things that go into the expression of the particular group. Questions like which day is set aside as the day for corporate worship, or what exactly the model is of worship, both rank near the top of the list of questions to answer.
Beth Yeshua Twin Ports observes Saturday as the weekly Sabbath in keeping with the Bible and Jewish practice. Our congregation meets every Saturday promptly at 10:30 AM. The length of our Service is usually around 90 minutes. Dress is casual, and the atmosphere is joyful.
The Elders lead our Shabbat Service. Responsibilities are divided among the 5 Elders and each contributes in prayer, liturgy cantor, music, or Bible commentary. Lively Messianic music and sacred Davidic Dance also play a significant role during each Shabbat Service.
Teaching from Scripture is a primary component of each Shabbat Service. It is our custom to follow the annual reading cycle of Torah, as do synagogues across the world. The annual cycle of readings is broken down into 54 smaller portions, which are read and studied weekly.
In the practice of Messianic Judaism, all the Biblical Feasts and Festivals are observed and often that means special Services and Prayers unique to each Appointed Time. The celebration of the Saturday Sabbath and the Jewish Holy Days mark the annual Biblical calendar.
Assembling and participating in corporate worship of God, prayers of praise and petition, as well as Bible oriented teaching all lead to strengthen a believing faith and practice. Consider making a decision to join with us — “Finding the God of Israel through Messiah Yeshua.”