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Larry Falter

Biblical Spring Feasts

Beth Yeshua is fast approaching the time on the calendar when we remember and celebrate the Biblical Appointed Feasts, beginning a new annual cycle. Passover will be celebrated at twilight on Monday evening 4/22 by holding a Seder within the congregation space reserved for members and a few guests. Immediately following Passover evening the 7 day Feast of Unleavened Bread begins leading 50 days later to Shavuot, known more by… Read More »Biblical Spring Feasts

Facebook Page

Within the last few weeks, Beth Yeshua received the good news that one of our congregants would step up and become our social media manager. Beth Yeshua had been lagging behind with the fast moving social media platforms, and with our manager (Crystal) we intend to become more visible and communicate regularly with lively content. Beth Yeshua will hopefully come out of the shadows of being the best kept secret… Read More »Facebook Page